Lunar Eclipses

Lunar Eclipses

Examples of Astrophotography:


Penumbral Lunar Eclipse March 2024

2024 Lunar Pen Eclipse

A dusky shading was clearly visible in the southern most region of the Moon to the naked-eye. Temp -4°C. A layer of altostatus cloud covered the complete sky.

24-25 March 2024 at 07:00 UT. 200 mm lens with a DSLR. ISO 800 at 1/4000 s. Cropped.

Total Lunar Eclipse, with Uranus near by, November 2022

2022 partial phase of TLE 2022 partial phase of TLE with uranus 2022 partial phase of TLE 2022 totality 2022 totality

A fine clear sky with the eclipse low in the western sky. To the naked-eye the umbra appeared rather dark, with a dull orange colour.

1: 09.15 UT. Partial Phase. 1/4000 s exposure. ISO 800. Cropped.

2: At 10:09 UT. Uranus (mag 5.6) lies northeast of the well advanced partial phase. 1 s exposure at ISO 1600. Click on thumbnail to see the planet.

3: At 10:11 UT. Just a small crescent remains, with the umbra showing some colouration. 0.3 s exposure at ISO 1600. The star below left of the Moon is HIP 13069 (mag 6.7). Cropped.

4: At 10:19 UT. A couple of minutes into Totality. 1 s exposure at ISO 1600. Cropped.

5: At 10:25 UT. The totality eclipsed Moon was now getting low. 1 s exposure at ISO 1600.

7-8 November 2022. 200 mm lens with a DSLR.

Total Lunar Eclipse May 2022

2022 partial phase of TLE 2022 Total Lunar Eclipse 2022 partial phase of TLE

A few breaks in a mostly cloudy sky. To the naked-eye the umbra appeared rather dark, with a pale orange colour.

1: 02.55 UT. Partial Phase. 1/800 s exposure. ISO 800.

2: At 04:48 UT. A few minutes before the end of the total phase. 1 s exposure at ISO 3200. The star above the Moon is HIP 76106 (mag 5.5).

3: At 04:59 UT. Five minutes after the end of totality. Thin cloud present. 1/3 s exposure at ISO 3200.

15-16 May 2022. 200 mm lens with a DSLR. Cropped.

Partial Lunar Eclipse November 2021

2021 Lunar Eclipse

Heavy rain and overcast skies gave way to clear areas, for the late stages in this eclipse. The umbra was dark to the naked-eye, no colour.

70 mm refractor (Pronto) at 480 mm focal-length with a DSLR. Undriven. 18/19th November 2021 at 05:38 local time (10:36 UT). 1/320 second at ISO 400. Image cropped.

Penumbral Lunar Eclipse November 2020

Nov 2020 Lunar Pen Eclipse

A slight shading was visible in the northern area of the Moon with the naked-eye. Hazy sky turning to thin cloud. Penumbral magnitude 83%.

30 November 2020 at 09:06 UT (37 min before maximum) using a 70 mm refractor (Pronto). DSLR set at ISO 800 and 1/2000 s. Cropped.

Penumbral Lunar Eclipse July 2020

Jul 2020 Lunar Pen Eclipse

A minor event with a penumbral magnitude of 35%. A slight shading was visible in the extreme N area of the Moon with binoculars. Very slightly hazy sky.

5 July 2020 at 04:30 UT (at maximum eclipse) using a 70 mm refractor. DSLR set at ISO 800 and 1/3200 s. Cropped.

Total Lunar Eclipse January 2019

2019 Lunar Eclipse 2019 Lunar Eclipse

1: 04.40 UT. Just before totality. 1 second.

2: At 04:54 UT. During totality. 2 seconds.

A snow storm cleared away. The umbra was a dull tan colour, to the naked-eye. Photos taken from Topsfield, MA. 106 mm refractor operating at 850 mm focal-length. 21st January 2019. DSLR at ISO 800. Seeing poor and very windy. Images slightly shapened.

Penumbral Lunar Eclipse February 2017

2017 Lunar Pen Eclipse

The Moon was already deep into the penumbral shadow before cloud moved in. A dusky shading was clearly visible in the NW area of the Moon with the naked-eye. Deep snow on ground. Temp -12°C. Slightly hazy sky.

10-11 February 2017 at 00:05 UT. 200 mm lens with a DSLR. ISO 400 at 1/2000 s. Cropped.

Total Lunar Eclipse September 2015

2015 Lunar Eclipse 2015 Lunar Eclipse

Fairly high up in the east. The moon was virtually at perigee.

1: At 02:56 UT. 15 second exposure to bring out starfield in Pisces (did not appear this bright visually). Image cropped. This was near mid-totality.

2: At 03:30 UT. 8 seconds. Image cropped. This was seven minutes after the end of totality.

106 mm refractor operating at a focal-length of 850 mm with a DSLR. ISO 400. 27-28 September 2015

Penumbral Lunar Eclipse October 2013 (During & After)

2013 Lunar Eclipse 2013 Lunar Eclipse

Rather low in the east in a beautiful clear sky. I could see the dusky shade in the Southern Highlands clearly with the naked-eye.

Left: Deep in the penumbral eclipse, just 5 minutes after maximum (of 76%). Time 23:56 UT.
Right: A little after the end of the eclipse, at 02:00 UT.

Both images were taken with an identical set up. No contrast enhancement. 70 mm refractor (Pronto) at 480 mm focal-length with a DSLR. 18-19 October 2013. ISO 800 at 1/4000 s.

Total Lunar Eclipse December 2010 (Winter Solstice)

2010 Lunar Eclipse 2010 Lunar Eclipse

21st December 2010. Low on the north-west horizon on a cold morning with snow lying on the ground.

1: Taken at 06:41 UT. 1/250 s exposure. Image cropped. The dark advancing umbra was seen through a gap in the cloud banks. Eight minutes after start of umbral phase.

2: Taken at 07:38 UT. 8 seconds. Image cropped. The umbra was a orange colour, not seen to advantage with cloud. Three minutes before start of total phase.

Both images used a 130 mm refractor at 1040 mm focal-length with a DSLR camera, ISO 400.

Partial Lunar Eclipse June 2010 from the Pacific

2010 Lunar Eclipse

High in the southern sky from Papeete, Tahiti. The border and colour of the umbra was distinct. Note the orientation of the moon as seen from the Tropics.

70 mm refractor (Pronto) at 480 mm focal-length with a DSLR. 25/26th June 2010 at 01:38 local time (11:38 UT). 1/4 second at ISO 800. Image cropped.

Partial Lunar Eclipse December 2009

2009 Lunar Eclipse 2009 Lunar Eclipse

Clouds dogged the eastern part of the sky, as a cold easterly breeze brought cloud in from the Irish Sea. The small umbra (mag 0.076 at maximum) was dark, without colour, to the naked-eye.

Left: The partial phase, 19:47 UT. 1/1000 s.
Right: The penumbral phase, which was clearly visible to the naked-eye. 19:57 UT. 1/350 s.

130 mm refractor f/8 refractor used with a DSLR at ISO 400. Both images cropped. 31st December 2009.

Partial Lunar Eclipse August 2008

2008 Lunar Eclipse

Heavy rain gave way to a clearer interlude, that was still interrupted by clouds. The umbra was a orange-tan colour, even to the naked-eye. Photo taken from Skerries, Co Dublin. 85 mm refractor at 600 mm focal-length. 21.54 UT on 16th August 2008. 1/3 second. ISO 800. Image unprocessed. Note that the exposure was undriven!.

Total Lunar Eclipse March 2007

Eclipse; click for (66K) Eclipse; click for (69K)

3rd March 2007. The first image (4 s) was taken at 22:26 UT and 22:42 UT shortly before totality. The second image (8 s) was around mid-totality at 23:26 UT, similiar to the naked-eye view.

It was a bright eclipse with the mare visible at mid-totality. Imaged with a 130 mm refractor operating at 1040 mm focal-length with a DSLR camera set at ISO 400. The images have not been imaged processed in order to faithfully record the true brightness and colours. Taken from Sandymount, Dublin.

Partial Lunar Eclipse September 2006

Lunar Eclipse; click image for higher resolution (17K) Lunar Eclipse; click image for higher resolution (17K)

Taken on 7thSeptember 2006 from the seafront at Skerries, Co.Dublin. 70 mm refractor (Pronto) operating at 384 mm focal-length. ISO 200. Exposures left: 1/15 second; right: 1/60 second.

Total Lunar Eclipse January 2001

Lunar Eclipse; click image for higher resolution

Taken on 9 January 2001 at 20:14 UT. 1040 mm focal-length 130 mm refractor. The exposure was 40 seconds on Fujichrome 100. The moon was in a starry field in Gemini. From Oristown, Kells, Co Meath.

Total Lunar Eclipse January 2000

Lunar Eclipse; click image for higher resolution

Only a short clear spell, which ended shortly after totality started. 21 January 2000 at 04:06 UT. 480 mm focal-length refractor. The exposure was 1 s on Kodak Elite Chrome 400. Taken from Dundrum, Dublin.

Eclipsed Moon and Saturn in September 1996

Eclipse & Saturn; click image for higher resolution

Taken on 1996 September 27 at 03:17 UT with a 480 mm focal-length 70 mm refractor (Pronto). This was a little before the end of totality. Saturn appears as as over exposed star in the bottom left of the image. 15 second exposure on Fujichrome 400 slide film.

Total Lunar Eclipse April 1996

Lunar Eclipse; click image for higher resolution Lunar Eclipse; click image for higher resolution

Both taken on 1996 April 3/4 with a 210 mm camera lens. Fujichrome 100. Details of the first exposure, just before totality, unrecorded. The second one is 20 seconds at 23.55 UT. Both cropped. From the Sugar Loaf, Co Wicklow. Mist present.

Total Lunar Eclipse December 1992

Lunar Eclipse; click image for higher resolution

Taken on 1992 December 9 at 23.13 UT with a camera lens set working at 320 mm. The exposure was 75 s (on Fujichrome 100) to catch the very dark umbra. The Moon was high in the sky in Taurus. From Dundrum, Co Dublin.

Total Lunar Eclipse February 1990

Lunar Eclipse; click image for higher resolution

Taken on 1990 February 2 at 19.17 UT with a 210 mm camera lens. The exposure was 8 seconds on Fujichrome 100. The Moon was low in the east in Leo. From Stepaside, Co Dublin.

Total Lunar Eclipse August 1989

Lunar Eclipse; click image for higher resolution

Image taken after end of totality. 17 August 1989 at 04:40 UT. Telephoto lens set at 210 mm. The exposure was 1/500 s on Fujichrome 100. Cropped. Taken from Kilmashogue, Co Dublin.

Total Lunar Eclipse October 1986

Lunar Eclipse; click image for higher resolution

Taken a little after the end of totality at 20.15 UT with a 210 mm camera lens. On Fujichrome 100. The Moon was rather low in Pisces with partly cloudy weather. From Three Rock Mt, Co Dublin. Date: 1986 October 17.

Total Lunar Eclipse October 1985

Lunar Eclipse; click image for higher resolution

The ecliped Moon was very low in the east. From Shankill Wood, Co Dublin. Kodak Tri-X (400 ISO Black & White negative film) used. 1985 October 28, early evening.

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